Welcome to the Murdoch Community Garden

What We Do

Volunteers at the garden are planting and harvesting vegetables and herbs all year round. We also pick seasonal fruit and nuts from the mature trees on the site. These include limes, lemons, mulberries, cumquats, bananas (yes), feijoas, figs, olives, pecans and macadamias.

We host special activities, often in collaboration with other student groups. These include busy bees, BBQs and the Weed Olympics. In March 2021 we co-hosted the first Perth Tomato Festival at Mundijong markets. The WA Governor Kim Beazley and Agriculture Minister Alannah McTiernan were our guests.

The garden runs workshops on gardening tips, waste management, Edible Weeds and sustainable gardening.

About Us

The gardens are on a site at the Environmental Technology Centre on the eastern side of Murdoch University campus in Perth, Western Australia. There we produce vegetables and herbs in communal garden beds and wicking beds. We also tend fruit and nut orchards.

We have a regular stall at university market days, where we sell our produce and encourage people to grow their own food. Busy bees are held Tuesdays from 3:30 pm. Newcomers are welcome.

We are a non-profit, independent, community organisation of volunteers - students, staff and local residents of Murdoch. Murdoch Community Garden Inc was registered (under the state Associations Incorporation Act 1987) in 2013. It operates with the support of the university and the Student Guild.
